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Location: melbum, Victoria, Australia

i am lazy. lazy by day, even lazier by night.


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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

ref-ing sucks balls

im currently refereeing indoor soccer matches at uni in attempts to "earn more" and save. pfft.

i joined up knowing it was gonna be crappy pay, and knowing i was gonna copt the odd slang from players... but little did i know.

...some players are the biggest smart arses and have attitude problems
their GF's who come to watch are even BIGGER smart arses.... but tonight topped the icing on the cake.

what is it u ask?

well... tonight i had teh privelage or umpiring a full blown punch on =[. and whilst to a spectating male this may sound amusing, when ur ref-ing its not!
they were freakin fobs too.... and they were sooo into pushing/shoving punching.... i just gave up.
i wasnt scared or anything ahaha but it doesnt leave you with a good feeling...

wow one of my few post wihtout any pics!
..... the last one doest count ( i was being emo ahah)


presenting the gay-weds-4!!!!!

*drum roll*

.....iSally annnd

iBananas lol

sallys silhouette is really coool, u can see her tiffany necklace *ooooooooOOoOooh*
and im punching janes butt... haha
while jane is saying to hung ly "u wanna Corona?"

ne way u'z are all lashers....

Monday, August 28, 2006


maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan...a fioahweflksncv aiwj asklfoe sdkofhaio sfalk asdf
ksdfihjwef lasd
sdfhwd 0sdj asdawjskfjasjf lkasdfi0ahga:
  • asdfawe asd
  • polxkv k/wert
  • ao- 3
  • '5l;r0xd
aksfjoaisfj fkn askldfyaqwei0o jsdlfkweuafis dfnaa sdfyaser

Raaarrrrskldrhalrahrghhh emo awirsklf awgruiosdhfv d......

the end.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

collin ferrels mullet is gettin jamie foxx very unpredictable

i saw miami vice last night!..... aaaand had nooo idea what there talking about, neither did my mates. neither did the rest of the cinema.
so this is what we deduced
  • there was alot of BANG! big loud guns and...... well you know.
  • there was alot of mumbling (simular to gay chou but not quite as melodious)
  • my ferrari was in there... i let collin ride it for the movie
  • the asian chick isnt that hot... jeez justin, why get me soo excited for. she looked better in geisha tho.
  • the plot couldnt really be deciphered.... other then they go undercover and they sorta get the bust.
b4 the movie went to airstream and played 'who wants to be a millionare' lol.

anyway enough ranting heres some pics. just for you janey-0

oh btw.. sally u'z a lasherrrrrrrrrr.. study my butt.

actually i cbf transfering pics from fone to compe then uploading.. i'll do it later....
btw jane u FOOLIO! u deleted some of my camera pics

edit: here are the pics

ohh my!

how rude..... btw ur fingers look really white, u GHOST.
some fool (jane) deleted my other pic.....

Dununununun nunch! *click-click* haha Ce if u ever read this, this ones for you =]

Sunday, August 20, 2006

2f2f - hey breh.... we huuuungry

- went to warrnambool on the weekend for goodminton
- twas quite the crapola (if that makes sense)
- i gave my trophy away haaha thats how much it meant to me.
- instead of taking pics of ppl and the place, i took pics during the car ride home
- here are some other pics from my cam phone.

a grainy shot of uni.

not a great pic.... i just felt like chucking it up

i tried to get a good sunset pic on the way back from warrnambool.... at least i got that solar flare thing haha

oh if only the window wasnt soo dirty

ok thats abt it,
Tap if ever you should read this, tho i doubt u will, warnambool may not have been my cup of tea (it wasnt half bad) but thanks a million for ur efforts and commitment for making this weekend happen.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Kay ate hundared eye

feeling lazy point it is

  • went to gym with chris this monring (crap man sooo early)
  • get a new fone!
.... heres what it looks like

now for so pix from the phone itself. its a bit grainy, but it still makes some pretty half decent 7" X 5" happy snaps.

ew my glasses are kinda dirty ahahah, but thats a macro shot (wow macro on a fone!)

random shot of my messy house... **note that pics have been resized. prolly doesnt make much diff tho.

not from fone, but i took it after i cleaned my car =]

i think im becoming gay... taking pics of sunsets n shieet.

sigh if only the sunset didnt set so fast. btw how do i this kinda effect in photoshop?

i thought i'd add this last pic to affirm my manlyness and make me feel more bloke-ie

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Shoes n Pics

i got new shoes! If you guys ever want asics sport shoes (which comes highly recommended from the AIS, sport medical associations and atheletes such as my self *cough-cough*) ask me abt the shop in preston. its like 30% of retail price, ALWAYS!

Check out my HAWT new baddy shoes....for goodminton... im gonna FLY with these babies.

And heres some pics from Janes "quiet" get together =]
...oh and yes jane, i wanna show off how cool my friends areee.... i just wont post any of you =D

early in the night, hung ly, sally and me playing with the lil mut

loan (pronounced loooh-aaaaaahn), HLd and LV
ahah sally and rob holding is left boob

ohh its jane her bro jack and some guy in the back.
there was a bit of this....
and not enough of that.
but as a result, there was a fair bit of this....
ohhh the shame... gee loan.. gettin quite comfy there with janey-0
ANYWAY, back to something more innocent .Missy the lil mut farted on me..... bitch!
twas once when thy harold beared no muscle, a weedy boy as such. we tried to replicate that moment again ahahah *hi-5 sally*
oh its comming up... just u wait.

it wasnt really that hard. Someone just farted. ..... really.

and heres some quotes, where pictures couldnt capture the momemt.

"camel toe" (please dont ask)
"ummaa u slept with ur grandmaaaa" (omg sally, ... really....)
"how do u know if your a pirate.... coz pirates AAarrrrrRRRh"

ok im gonna stop coz im starting to realise how stoopid this looks....

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


i missed out on AA tix....


sorry guys.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

BOOM head shot!

...not really, but i've alwasy been interested in photography and some of the amazing shoots that people take.
so with my crapola digi cam i ventured into my garden riskin life and limb.
As i tried taking a macro thingy close up on a stoopid flower, i nearly got stung by some bees.

....stoopid flowers......stoopid bees.

then i saw this weed... i dont know what u call it, but as i was bending over and lying on the ground to take a picture of it.... i was thinking

"omg..... i feel like such a fag , thank goodness no one else is around"

i was seriously contorted in the most poofterish position ever. ne way here are the pics i took

my beer of becks from last yr's AA pre drink up.

ohh my new yellow grip is sooo funky

u'll soon recognise a re-occuring theme with my pics
this is the weed that made me feel gay
see the re-occuring theme is... focus on the object infront and have a blurry background

gay weed take 2

gayweek 3

gayweed 4i dunno whats good abt this pic.. i only just realised after uploading... and cbf deleting ahaha

lucky last.

time for some indoor soccer.

btw jane if ur reading this - good get together/party/poker thingy last night, appreciated the hard work!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The joys of pissfarting around =]

For those who dont know, or people who i havnt yet bragged to, i have 6hrs of uni a week (im also doing an online subject and all my subs are hard. so its not quite happy days)

Anyway, for someone who has jack all hrs and in his final semester, u'd think....hope?... SHOULD make the most of it and attend all your classes.

So i got up at 9.30 yesterday (omgosh thats soo early) for my 10 o'clock lecture. I'll spare you guys the rant on how much useless crap my lecturer craps on abt, but during those 2 hrs of torment i realised something... i was like ohhh crapola all this maths is confusing, im gonna have to study hardddddcore.

With my new found resolve i stomped out of the lecture determined to take on my hardcore finance, only to find myself ditching my finance tute for Yum Cha at shark fin near uni with sally, jane and haaaarold ahahha

annnnyway heres a pic to justify yesterdays actions which makes everything seem OK.

During and after lunch we were crappin on abt THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH. (as you do, when hanging around sally) Next to teh restaurant is a small playground and its here where fantasy becomes reality