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Thursday, August 03, 2006

The joys of pissfarting around =]

For those who dont know, or people who i havnt yet bragged to, i have 6hrs of uni a week (im also doing an online subject and all my subs are hard. so its not quite happy days)

Anyway, for someone who has jack all hrs and in his final semester, u'd think....hope?... SHOULD make the most of it and attend all your classes.

So i got up at 9.30 yesterday (omgosh thats soo early) for my 10 o'clock lecture. I'll spare you guys the rant on how much useless crap my lecturer craps on abt, but during those 2 hrs of torment i realised something... i was like ohhh crapola all this maths is confusing, im gonna have to study hardddddcore.

With my new found resolve i stomped out of the lecture determined to take on my hardcore finance, only to find myself ditching my finance tute for Yum Cha at shark fin near uni with sally, jane and haaaarold ahahha

annnnyway heres a pic to justify yesterdays actions which makes everything seem OK.

During and after lunch we were crappin on abt THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH. (as you do, when hanging around sally) Next to teh restaurant is a small playground and its here where fantasy becomes reality