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Location: melbum, Victoria, Australia

i am lazy. lazy by day, even lazier by night.


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Sunday, August 06, 2006

BOOM head shot!

...not really, but i've alwasy been interested in photography and some of the amazing shoots that people take.
so with my crapola digi cam i ventured into my garden riskin life and limb.
As i tried taking a macro thingy close up on a stoopid flower, i nearly got stung by some bees.

....stoopid flowers......stoopid bees.

then i saw this weed... i dont know what u call it, but as i was bending over and lying on the ground to take a picture of it.... i was thinking

"omg..... i feel like such a fag , thank goodness no one else is around"

i was seriously contorted in the most poofterish position ever. ne way here are the pics i took

my beer of becks from last yr's AA pre drink up.

ohh my new yellow grip is sooo funky

u'll soon recognise a re-occuring theme with my pics
this is the weed that made me feel gay
see the re-occuring theme is... focus on the object infront and have a blurry background

gay weed take 2

gayweek 3

gayweed 4i dunno whats good abt this pic.. i only just realised after uploading... and cbf deleting ahaha

lucky last.

time for some indoor soccer.

btw jane if ur reading this - good get together/party/poker thingy last night, appreciated the hard work!