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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

ref-ing sucks balls

im currently refereeing indoor soccer matches at uni in attempts to "earn more" and save. pfft.

i joined up knowing it was gonna be crappy pay, and knowing i was gonna copt the odd slang from players... but little did i know.

...some players are the biggest smart arses and have attitude problems
their GF's who come to watch are even BIGGER smart arses.... but tonight topped the icing on the cake.

what is it u ask?

well... tonight i had teh privelage or umpiring a full blown punch on =[. and whilst to a spectating male this may sound amusing, when ur ref-ing its not!
they were freakin fobs too.... and they were sooo into pushing/shoving punching.... i just gave up.
i wasnt scared or anything ahaha but it doesnt leave you with a good feeling...

wow one of my few post wihtout any pics!
..... the last one doest count ( i was being emo ahah)