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Saturday, August 26, 2006

collin ferrels mullet is gettin jamie foxx very unpredictable

i saw miami vice last night!..... aaaand had nooo idea what there talking about, neither did my mates. neither did the rest of the cinema.
so this is what we deduced
  • there was alot of BANG! big loud guns and...... well you know.
  • there was alot of mumbling (simular to gay chou but not quite as melodious)
  • my ferrari was in there... i let collin ride it for the movie
  • the asian chick isnt that hot... jeez justin, why get me soo excited for. she looked better in geisha tho.
  • the plot couldnt really be deciphered.... other then they go undercover and they sorta get the bust.
b4 the movie went to airstream and played 'who wants to be a millionare' lol.

anyway enough ranting heres some pics. just for you janey-0

oh btw.. sally u'z a lasherrrrrrrrrr.. study my butt.

actually i cbf transfering pics from fone to compe then uploading.. i'll do it later....
btw jane u FOOLIO! u deleted some of my camera pics

edit: here are the pics

ohh my!

how rude..... btw ur fingers look really white, u GHOST.
some fool (jane) deleted my other pic.....

Dununununun nunch! *click-click* haha Ce if u ever read this, this ones for you =]