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Saturday, June 24, 2006

heaaaaaaaaaaaaaddd ssssspppprrruung

man my sleeping pattern is gonna be all gayed up after this weekend,

firstly exams had me sleeping at 2am everynight (actually soccer was a factor too),
then came thurz night - sofia's for elenas dinner, toyko drift later with juzzy and his church maties (OMG the girls are soo freakin hot.. i decided to dl the movie) then i stayed up to watch the soccer, woot australia!
so i was basically awake for like 26hrs... not good....

after soccer had stalactities (stalictites - souvlaki) for breaky, and nearly fell asleep driving home. slept till abt 3ish then later that night went to amber lounge lol....
that was a pretty crazy night. im not a big fan of clubbing, in fact im kinda over it. but exams have finished and heaps of uni pplz where there. plenty of good reasons to head on and hit the piss.

heres some fotos, thanks to katey

starting with the ladies we have (lft to right) poi, miki, katey, ilda (sp? ahah i really should know) and last is tripper/spewer/charles/juggernaut/captainplanet/youknowhawhabebezhao aka sally.

karen, sally, vi -
Vi was so impressed that i remembered her name, and i was too that she remembered mine! so into my blog she goes!

HOORAY for the token crackers!
karen is saying... "wtf is the guy on the left? but the cobber on the right is TRAV."

me and tran
im being ignorant and andy is posing for the ladies.

miki and colin french styles, andy, hen and katey

><, hen and miki - ahah hen ur lovin it...

groupie love y'all

hehehehehe =]

and the remaining fotos shall nvr be revealed.

the end.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Chocolate fes and red bones!

GG Exams

the end................

p.s 2.5 weeks of no shaving w0ooo
p.p.s i shaved my head tho, well mum did any way.

no.... i didnt copy nanaka... nanaka copied me

Thursday, June 15, 2006

croming on b.o.

people study at uni for several reasons, essentially to avoid the many distractions ur home presents.
in fact for those short spurts when i can actually concerntrate and its all quiet, studying at uni is quite tranquil.

unfortunately the library eventually closes, and we the pro-crammers resort to studying in the 24hr labs in B building. problem is... b building is curry central... and where u find one curry, a 100 more are but one footstep away. or should i say, one whiff away.

the potency of 100 b.o.'s is enough to drive any man insane, affecting ur sensory abilities it not only hinders ones studying capabilities, but deludes the mind with a sort of intoxicating effect.

hence i've resorted to using my good ol cologne from yr 9, Aqua di gio.

ahh the sweet smell of georgio amarni....

and finally, seeing as i usually post a pic (im a visual kinda person) i leave you with soccer pics

thats me.....

from the 94 world cup.

its like he's jumping up attempting to avoid it....even tho soccer kicks genrally go in a upward motion.

damn i'm playing soccer tonight too.... i think i'll go buy a box.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

as a uni mate so eloquently put, swotvac isnt for revision. its for learning everything for the first time.

this made me think.... i learn the entire semesters content in abt 2-3weeks of cramage. true my marks arent of a HD calibre, but ive been close on a few occasions.
its a skill where if u havnt already acquired, u will after 1st semester.

so then, apart from enjoying the social life, all the piss farting around in the pubs or simply watching the clouds floud by on teh uni lawn...
... why dont they condense a 3 yrs course into like 6 months. its possible no? or even one year.

think about it. 3weeks of cramming for 4 units a semester. so 3 weeks times 6 semesters gives you 18 weeks right!? thats roughly 5 months.

so they should give you an option to turbo charge ur degree.... but then again... im not sure iw anna work yet.

on a random note i miss my mullet.

remember kids, its the hairstyle of GOD(s)

can u imagine God, Jesus and the holy spirit with a mullet? haha Brilliant!

Monday, June 05, 2006

my bitchin' anti fob post


its exam time again, which means uni will become my second home for the next 3 weeks.
ahh the joys of wasting money on petrol and munchies, (we all need munchies to study)
and putting up with ignorant and selfish fobs. (how i truely detest you lot)

...they say to beat the enemy you must become like the enemy!

become loud and obnoxious?
become inconsiderate by using exessively loud mobile ringtones, playing loud computer games/ watching music clips on full blast and so on?
i couldnt do that.....

i CAN however press ctrl+alt and the down arrow (upside down screen) and place an 'out of order' paper on the computers next to me tho =]
no smelly/loud/troublesome/faggot (yes they're a poofta breed that sit next to u when almost everyone computer is available and they simply stare, as if they're checkin u out) fobs for me! so i hope.

Now i just have wait for the noisy lot next to be to bugger off. be gone i say! fools.

on a random note
do any of you foolios have some exam tradition/habbit? u dont change ur underwear? u eat lotsa beans aka brain food? well mine is that i dont shave woohoo. i get the whole yukky sparsel hair-tryhard-asian mo happening =] ahhhh 3 weeks of no shaving....

oh and im playing goodminton tonight.... my ankle is still a bit stuffed but hopefully i'll get a bit of this happening

minus the toight toight shorts of course.... but everything else seems just abt right.