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Thursday, June 08, 2006

as a uni mate so eloquently put, swotvac isnt for revision. its for learning everything for the first time.

this made me think.... i learn the entire semesters content in abt 2-3weeks of cramage. true my marks arent of a HD calibre, but ive been close on a few occasions.
its a skill where if u havnt already acquired, u will after 1st semester.

so then, apart from enjoying the social life, all the piss farting around in the pubs or simply watching the clouds floud by on teh uni lawn...
... why dont they condense a 3 yrs course into like 6 months. its possible no? or even one year.

think about it. 3weeks of cramming for 4 units a semester. so 3 weeks times 6 semesters gives you 18 weeks right!? thats roughly 5 months.

so they should give you an option to turbo charge ur degree.... but then again... im not sure iw anna work yet.

on a random note i miss my mullet.

remember kids, its the hairstyle of GOD(s)

can u imagine God, Jesus and the holy spirit with a mullet? haha Brilliant!