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Thursday, June 15, 2006

croming on b.o.

people study at uni for several reasons, essentially to avoid the many distractions ur home presents.
in fact for those short spurts when i can actually concerntrate and its all quiet, studying at uni is quite tranquil.

unfortunately the library eventually closes, and we the pro-crammers resort to studying in the 24hr labs in B building. problem is... b building is curry central... and where u find one curry, a 100 more are but one footstep away. or should i say, one whiff away.

the potency of 100 b.o.'s is enough to drive any man insane, affecting ur sensory abilities it not only hinders ones studying capabilities, but deludes the mind with a sort of intoxicating effect.

hence i've resorted to using my good ol cologne from yr 9, Aqua di gio.

ahh the sweet smell of georgio amarni....

and finally, seeing as i usually post a pic (im a visual kinda person) i leave you with soccer pics

thats me.....

from the 94 world cup.

its like he's jumping up attempting to avoid it....even tho soccer kicks genrally go in a upward motion.

damn i'm playing soccer tonight too.... i think i'll go buy a box.