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Location: melbum, Victoria, Australia

i am lazy. lazy by day, even lazier by night.


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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

i said y0oo~i dunnno ur name, but excuse me miss!

this is going to be a very random and spontaneous post.

ok well i went shopping the other day, and whilst i said to myself i'd save for my end of yr holiday it seems its unlikely to happen. SO like any saddened foolio i sough comfort in retail therapy YAY.
so i bought 3 tops, RRP in total would have cost abt 270 bucks. but being the pro i am im got it down to 160! woohoo.

ok next, again a little late, but i shaved my head a few days ago... most of it. i have a really sucky mohawk.


oh anther thing is i want to watch x-men 3!!!.... i spose i can watch it now - seeing as i downloaded. but im holding up until i see iton the big screen first. - OH ITS THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH =]

SO.... are you a SCRUNCHER??? or a FOLDER - im refering to the SORBENT ad. If you havent seen it you wont get it.. i suggest u watch tv for the next few hrs in that case.
any how, i personallly am a folder.. but im willing to bear the flag for the other team once in a while... espesh when its a tee as kool as this ->

everyone has really cool photographic skills... so i thought i'd try and be cool too and get the whole angle thing happening.

oh i just remembered... i also bought some superman earrings on ebay! wohooo i've been looking for these earring for like a million yrs! i mean i alwasy knew they were on ebay... but i didnt know you could use paypal without a credit card!!!!!

umm cbf posting a pic of the earrings...

oh oh i also bought some jeans on ebay too! but they're a bit baggy tho =[ but seeing as i have thunder thighs thanks to sport and daddy's genes i guess its not too bad.

shit... i've been spending alot of money... no wonder i not saving much....

hmmm exams are comming up pretty soon ey...... the worst thing is it fnishes after WORLD CUP!
i wont be able to watch without a cloud of guilt floating over my head. WORST.

ummm yea tahts abt it..... oh but if someone wanted to fund my holiday that would be nice.
and while your at it, you could also finance my car modifcations.

....i just thought i'd ask.

OHH i just rememebered something else.. naruto and bleach manga is gettin freakin exciting atm! i highly recommend you "too-cool-4-skool" ppl get stuck into it... u're all nerdy asians any way.. u'll be fine for exams.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


greetings y0~ my fellow yiggas - that is, yellow niggas if u aint hip lol.

upon great thought and meditation, mostly on the toilet bowl.... a signifcant incident occured.
whilst i did not reach a state of nirvana (altho ASG: after shit glow - was achieved) i conceived yet another complex theory. Regarded as the pinnacle thoughts, almost beyond the realms of human comprehension, my "multifacted" thought (ahah u can tell that was a Word thesaurus word) is this....

...stoopid is,
as stoopid does...


alas my yiggas! the trivial post this is, with no meaning nor content will generate even more comments then those post that do.

so spam my fellow yiggas... SPAM i tell you(the in comments duh!)
SPAM for ur life!
allow me to begin.

Monday, May 15, 2006

LUNG's theory on azn birds

i have a theory.. that is, alot of hot asian birds go to RMIT

the end.

oh and whilst im on the topic of girls check this link out
its abt yellow fever and its HILAR!!!! (for u sissys its not scary)


Saturday, May 13, 2006

THE GREAT CAR REGO. SIGHTINGS POST - with my cam phone...

Wooohooo i sold my corolla today! aaaaaaaaaat last.
(kinda sad to see it go actually)

ANY how on a different note, a very random note in fact(and irrelevant - thats for you hen), i've decided to post some of the wackiest car number plates i've witnessed behind the wheel of my granny automobile.

beginning wiiiiith....

exhibite no. 1 you guys better appreciate this! i sacrificed an important fone call and used up the last bit of battery juice to take this baby....
This spelling is how Malaysians pronounce FART.


exhibit 2 - well this pic aint really special.... infact its freakin gay. i refuse to accept this person as a descendant from one of the CHU Forefathers.

annnnd commin up we have.... this ones also for you hen

pretty self explanatory =]

this next is soooooooo gay - literally.

apologies for the small pic, i had to make size as small as possible in the camera so i could zoom.... a fair effort i reckon, espesh when i'm driving a manual car.

trans this ones for you babe.

now. the first thing that came to mind when i first saw this was. W....T....F.
i cant remember the service the company provided... but it had NOTHING to do with niggers....

THis one is pretty immature.. but hey, it put a smile on my face. and hopefully yours =]

You can see my bonnet and the cars break lights! i nearly crashed taking this one ahaha

ohh this one is also for you tran

not the plates... the mud flaps! hmm im prety sure this was while i was driving to chaddy... *shopping!!*

thats all folks... hopefully i'll come across more stoopid/interesting number plates. then i'll make a part 2 post. lol.

Friday, May 12, 2006


let me first begin by saying..... WORST!!!
First my car battery dies....
SO.... i get buy a car batt from kmart auto (btw NEVER GO THERE, their just a bunch of shit cunts) any way.....

1. car battery from Kmart Auto - 70bucks
2. joining RACV roadside assistance coz my car couldnt start 2 days later - 170 bucks
3. the RACV guy telling me my car couldn’t start coz the freakin bolts for the batt. weren’t tight enough - umm PRICELESS?

Any way today again my car couldnt start... so i thought i'd be smart and roll the car in reverse and kick start it. Well that worked fine... but afterwork the car couldnt start AGAIN! so once again i'd have to waste my RACV life line for this same gay problem....

Normally i wouldnt give a rats about my car playing up, but the thing is... im selling my car tomorrow!

I hope it works.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Noooo its not a scheme to help you save money.... its my announcement to the world (i.e the few ppl who bother to read this) that i liang, along with some maties, am going to...

...the land of the rising sun!!! w0ooo and must make every attempt to evade even the bestest of shopping deals!

ahhh its the Mecca trip for all us asian blokes... WHY? i hear you say!?!!?
well let me explain in the subtlest of subtle ways.

first theres this ->

ohhhh lalaaa, hot digity dang.

annnnd then theres this! ->
sorry im still a noob with this blog, so pics are a pain in the arse atm.

annnnnnnnnnnnnd then after JP its off to HK

where i plan tilll literally shop till i drop! *sigh* damn these female tendencies.

so now i have 5 monthes to save abt 5 grand. hahahah. yer right.

Monday, May 08, 2006


pretty self explanitary.... but great for nigga terms and other ignorant gibberish muahaha

i strongly recommend you search for "FDK", if u dont know what it is then EVEN bettter!


Sunday, May 07, 2006

a few days late but hey...

ah me first post, i never would have thought i'd actually cbb doing this blogger crap .. but hey i just wanted to post some pics of me up lol.


after... not the best pic but u get the point.