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Location: melbum, Victoria, Australia

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Noooo its not a scheme to help you save money.... its my announcement to the world (i.e the few ppl who bother to read this) that i liang, along with some maties, am going to...

...the land of the rising sun!!! w0ooo and must make every attempt to evade even the bestest of shopping deals!

ahhh its the Mecca trip for all us asian blokes... WHY? i hear you say!?!!?
well let me explain in the subtlest of subtle ways.

first theres this ->

ohhhh lalaaa, hot digity dang.

annnnd then theres this! ->
sorry im still a noob with this blog, so pics are a pain in the arse atm.

annnnnnnnnnnnnd then after JP its off to HK

where i plan tilll literally shop till i drop! *sigh* damn these female tendencies.

so now i have 5 monthes to save abt 5 grand. hahahah. yer right.