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Saturday, May 13, 2006

THE GREAT CAR REGO. SIGHTINGS POST - with my cam phone...

Wooohooo i sold my corolla today! aaaaaaaaaat last.
(kinda sad to see it go actually)

ANY how on a different note, a very random note in fact(and irrelevant - thats for you hen), i've decided to post some of the wackiest car number plates i've witnessed behind the wheel of my granny automobile.

beginning wiiiiith....

exhibite no. 1 you guys better appreciate this! i sacrificed an important fone call and used up the last bit of battery juice to take this baby....
This spelling is how Malaysians pronounce FART.


exhibit 2 - well this pic aint really special.... infact its freakin gay. i refuse to accept this person as a descendant from one of the CHU Forefathers.

annnnd commin up we have.... this ones also for you hen

pretty self explanatory =]

this next is soooooooo gay - literally.

apologies for the small pic, i had to make size as small as possible in the camera so i could zoom.... a fair effort i reckon, espesh when i'm driving a manual car.

trans this ones for you babe.

now. the first thing that came to mind when i first saw this was. W....T....F.
i cant remember the service the company provided... but it had NOTHING to do with niggers....

THis one is pretty immature.. but hey, it put a smile on my face. and hopefully yours =]

You can see my bonnet and the cars break lights! i nearly crashed taking this one ahaha

ohh this one is also for you tran

not the plates... the mud flaps! hmm im prety sure this was while i was driving to chaddy... *shopping!!*

thats all folks... hopefully i'll come across more stoopid/interesting number plates. then i'll make a part 2 post. lol.