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Monday, April 30, 2007

keep it or veet it?!

urgh my post screwed up the first time. so i cbf trying to make this an animated sounding post.

i want ppls opinion lol. thanks to a chronic ankle injury i need to strap up with sports tape. meaning i have to remove some leg hair too.
so i did just that... just not the whole leg. and now it looks funny hahah

heres a pic for your amusement, but tell me what you think by answerin the poll

edit: my legs look like drumsticks

Monday, April 16, 2007


The "best" thing abt not being able to drive is that i save a few buck here and there.
Problem is, that little amount i managed to save quickly gets blown away on a sea of impulse buys (hahah sorta)

I was at chaddy the other day and found myself purchasing this cardi from mooks. it was like... 118 bucks for like this thin cotton thing. SOOO not worth it! BUT, the DUMB thing abt this purchase were my brain processes and the lack of rationality behind it lol.

see usually people (including me depending on what it is) look at something and think, hey... thats like 5 hrs of work for me, and 5 hrs of shit kicking isnt worth that cardi.


u look at something, perhaps some CK jocks.
u look closer, it says made in china.
u look at the price tag, its like 12908347912368952341902384 billion dollars.
u look at the simplicity of the product and u think, o..m...gosh they prolly paid a 5yr old kid in nan jing 2 bowls of rice to make this.
hell no, i aint buying that.

ok and then u get a dumb arse who does what i just did (yes im a dumbdumb.)
The service assistant was really helpful. it was already 9pm and its closing/closed. i'd been stalling them deciding whether i really wanted it or not. so in the end i succumbed to the guilty feeling of stalling and wasting the efforts of a helpful worker and bought the damn thing ahahah.

so yea, be sure to check out my cardi. ITS TOIGHT!, tight like a tiger.

oh yeah and i also i got a suit,
some florshiem (sp?) shoes from DJ's
and a tie with not one but TWO hankys to match the tie (that was my idea, im soo smart)

those last purchases were for my bros wedding, so its not completely random. the good thing is i can use everything i just mentioned (cept for the hanks) for work! ..... if and when i get work... hahah

ok back to my assignment. 502/1000 words, half way only =[

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

what the?

dreams are funny thing. they're sometimes so vivid, soooo crystal clear, SO REALISTIC its freakin scary. And for some reason i find it ironic that i always seem to forget the details, it simply fades away into a blur.

anyway in a long winded way im surmising to the fact that i had a really messed up dream last night. here's what i remember.

i was somewhere in the world with my mum in a camp. This place was massive, there were trees everywhere - tropical or jungle kinda trees? the setting took place in the evening with a blue/greenish sky and a black silhouette of the trees. All the residents were chingers (i think)*EDIT: no, they werent haha* and all the action takes place indoors. *inserts a lot of random bs which i cant remember* AND THEN all of a sudden everyone realises that a nuclear bomb is gonna drop down in our area, if not our campsite! escape is futile!!!!

ahahaha this sounds so ridiculous and funny now that im writing it out, its probably my stupid comical depiction, but it was really tripping me out during the dream because it was soooo intense.

anyway,thinking that i along with everyone including my mum were going to "die", u can imagine everyones reaction, or rather, theyre emotions/attidues. I remember adults and kids crying, people full of regret, many saying its was too early for them to go. There was a mass of people behaving chaotically, altho on the flip side i remember overhearing these 2 honky cool-cats speaking in canto WHICH I UNDERSTOOD BUT CANT ACTUALLY RECALL THEM SAYING;

honkie1: so... even if the blast doesnt kill us, the radiation will yea?
honkie2: (replies with a somber) ...yea... (and then smokes his cigarette)

then after this i see my mum, shes upset about the situation but composed unlike the majority of people. shes tells me she loves me and that god is with me, that life in heaven will be sweet - theres nothing to worry abt. (thanks mum =] )
shortly after i find myself comforting other people, i am composed too (i remember embracing the idea of being blown up in a few minutes and thinking - oh well) but ne way i was comforting people, praying for them and saying it'll happen so fast u wont even realise it. (pffft as if i'd know ne way)

next i remember a group of us huddling in a tight hug, we're on the ground holding each other, the tension from the suspense is nearly driving us insane, the bomb is dropped, there is a BOOMING explosion, the sound alone of the blast sends a trembling fear up everyones spine. an overwhelming white light engulfs the entire surrounding...... everything begin to fade... and in those last moments i take comfort realising that theres no pain and knowing that im going to a better place.

and yea then i wake up feeling like shit, its not even 8oclock and i have to start moving furniture coz the house is being painted and my mum is whinging like a typical annoying female and yea... thats it ahaha

and crap, its now 10 .40, i wanted to leave the house at 10. got carried away with this post.
and these grad apps are soooo draining! oh well... mo grad apps, mo job!

hmmm i'm craving cereal. and im being picky too. i want one thats sweet and bland at the same time!
i.e. i dont want cocopops, coz the sugar is already combined with the rice. its all sugar, get it?
i want something like fruity bixs (sp?) good ol bland crap with a wee bit of sugary, chewy, square, thingies....... added in. make sense? Always =]

well i'll finish off by continuing my tradition of posting a picture, even if its irrelevant. coz reading sucks ahaha im much more a visual person.

(even tho u have to read whats on the picture -.-|||)

what the?

dreams are funny thing. they're sometimes so vivid, soooo crystal clear, SO REALISTIC its freakin scary. And for some reason i find it ironic that i always seem to forget the details, it simply fades away into a blur.

anyway in a long winded way im surmising to the fact that i had a really messed up dream last night. here's what i remember.

i was somewhere in the world with my mum in a camp. This place was massive, there were trees everywhere - tropical or jungle kinda trees? the setting took place in the evening with a blue/greenish sky and a black silhouette of the trees. All the residents were chingers (i think)*EDIT: no, they werent haha* and all the action takes place indoors. *inserts a lot of random bs which i cant remember* AND THEN all of a sudden everyone realises that a nuclear bomb is gonna drop down in our area, if not our campsite! escape is futile!!!!

ahahaha this sounds so ridiculous and funny now that im writing it out, its probably my stupid comical depiction, but it was really tripping me out during the dream because it was soooo intense.

anyway,thinking that i along with everyone including my mum were going to "die", u can imagine everyones reaction, or rather, theyre emotions/attidues. I remember adults and kids crying, people full of regret, many saying its was too early for them to go. There was a mass of people behaving chaotically, altho on the flip side i remember overhearing these 2 honky cool-cats speaking in canto WHICH I UNDERSTOOD BUT CANT ACTUALLY RECALL THEM SAYING;

honkie1: so... even if the blast doesnt kill us, the radiation will yea?
honkie2: (replies with a somber) ...yea... (and then smokes his cigarette)

then after this i see my mum, shes upset about the situation but composed unlike the majority of people. shes tells me she loves me and that god is with me, that life in heaven will be sweet - theres nothing to worry abt. (thanks mum =] )
shortly after i find myself comforting other people, i am composed too (i remember embracing the idea of being blown up in a few minutes and thinking - oh well) but ne way i was comforting people, praying for them and saying it'll happen so fast u wont even realise it. (pffft as if i'd know ne way)

next i remember a group of us huddling in a tight hug, we're on the ground holding each other, the tension from the suspense is nearly driving us insane, the bomb is dropped, there is a BOOMING explosion, the sound alone of the blast sends a trembling fear up everyones spine. an overwhelming white light engulfs the entire surrounding...... everything begin to fade... and in those last moments i take comfort that theres no pain and that im going to a better place.

and yea then i wake up feeling like shit, its not even 8oclock and i have to start moving furniture coz the house is being painted and my mum is whinging like a typical annoying female and yea... thats it ahaha

and crap, its now 10 .40, i wanted to leave the house at 10. got carried away with this post.
and these grad apps are soooo draining! oh well... mo grad apps, mo job!

hmmm i craving cereal. and im being picky too. i want one thats sweet and bland at the same time!
i.e. i dont want cocopops, coz the sugar is already combined with the rice. its all sugar, get it?
i want something like fruity bixs (sp?) good ol bland crap with a wee bit sugary, chewy, square, thingies....... added in. make sense? Always =]

well i'll finish off by continuing my tradition of posting a picture, even if its irrelevant. coz reading sucks ahaha im much more a visual person.

(even tho u have to read whats on the picture -.-|||)

Sunday, March 25, 2007


damn this fish memory!
i had something in mind that i wanted to blog about.... totally forgotten about it now.
hmm lets see, some recent thoughts..... well i've been counting down the days till i get my license! 12.01am 1 may I'm definitely going for a hoon sensible drive.

hmmm today i went around limping courtesy of a "frindly" soccer match. my battle scars left with with a swollen corked knee, a bruised right quadricep, a blister and sore legs! ahh i love soccer... no really. i do =]


oh i recently signed up for myspace. i have howie day - collide as my page song haha

edit: the hoon was meant to have a strike thru. pitty it didnt work

Friday, March 23, 2007

TMNT baby!

guess what i did last night! well as the name suggests i saw TURTLES *booya*
And so like all good asians we milked the $7.50 movie deal and conquered row m? (5 rows from the back ne way) with the click from balook (a nice bunk of chinks from a recent road trip =] )

My thoughts on the movie was hmmmm just alllllrright. a few good calls here and there.

april wanted to get in leo's pants,
turtles were kinda skinny with excessively big hands and feet
splinter was a the biggest cash in on Kill bills pai mei.
here's an example

edit: i was trying to find the actual screen shot of splinter and do a side by side comparison.... couldnt find a decent pic tho. so had to improvise haha

today i was "busy" cleaning up my room. for some reason my folks decided the current state of the house paint (FINE imo) need repainted. Whilst rummaging thru my junk i found some AWESOME tmnt merchandise ahaha. have a geeze at this!

ninjas say, gritting ur teeth helps you focus ur fart.

oh and i'll give anyone 50 bucks if they can copy mikey's mouth. i.e ur middle lips together but baring teeth on the left and right. Go on, give it a go now... hahah

found some ancient comics. i totally forgot abt them! i do remember having more comics tho :S

Monday, January 15, 2007

missin you

long time no post - in a way its a kinda good thing seeing as most of the ppl who did read my blog wont know i've updated haha... yet im writting this i guess to vent or coz its kinda therapeutic.

i just dl a song by imogen heap - missing you. its the most ugly sounding song (tho its now growing on me) yet it totally depicts how i feel atm, my thoughts and actions...i reckon its abt 90% accurate.

Oh, Ive been longing for this as long as I can remember
For something like this to go my way
And it always felt so right
And then you take it all away

Tell me how I'm missing you, yeah, like that again
I'm still sleeping, missing you, yeah, early in the pouring rain
I'm still dreaming, missing you, yeah, it's our first together
You see I thought I'd found the love I'd have forever

Now I'm hiding myself behind this shattered veil
And I know it's only me to blame
And I'm swimming through this ocean of grief
And I'm sailing up your way

Tell me how I'm missing you, yeah, like that again
I'm still sleeping, missing you, yeah, early in the pouring rain
I'm still dreaming, missing you, yeah, it's our first together
You see I thought I'd found the love I'd have forever

(Missing you, missing you, missing you) x3

And everything in this house is something of you
I can't escape even though I try
Photographs of memories
I never knew I had so many tears to cry

And I...yeah, die (die, die, die)
I never knew I had so many tears to cry

Tell me how I'm missing you, yeah, like that again
I'm still sleeping, missing you, yeah, early in the pouring rain
I'm still dreaming, missing you, yeah, it's our first together
You see I thought I'd found the love I'd have forever

relizing how emo this will look the next time i read it, i just feel compelled to write it down ne way.

~ a sentimental fool i am - this dance, i wish could last forever...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

for sally

alsfjklasj kljasfasd


shes very bored here... feast ur eyes on this

and this!

great now shes goes offline.....
