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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

what the?

dreams are funny thing. they're sometimes so vivid, soooo crystal clear, SO REALISTIC its freakin scary. And for some reason i find it ironic that i always seem to forget the details, it simply fades away into a blur.

anyway in a long winded way im surmising to the fact that i had a really messed up dream last night. here's what i remember.

i was somewhere in the world with my mum in a camp. This place was massive, there were trees everywhere - tropical or jungle kinda trees? the setting took place in the evening with a blue/greenish sky and a black silhouette of the trees. All the residents were chingers (i think)*EDIT: no, they werent haha* and all the action takes place indoors. *inserts a lot of random bs which i cant remember* AND THEN all of a sudden everyone realises that a nuclear bomb is gonna drop down in our area, if not our campsite! escape is futile!!!!

ahahaha this sounds so ridiculous and funny now that im writing it out, its probably my stupid comical depiction, but it was really tripping me out during the dream because it was soooo intense.

anyway,thinking that i along with everyone including my mum were going to "die", u can imagine everyones reaction, or rather, theyre emotions/attidues. I remember adults and kids crying, people full of regret, many saying its was too early for them to go. There was a mass of people behaving chaotically, altho on the flip side i remember overhearing these 2 honky cool-cats speaking in canto WHICH I UNDERSTOOD BUT CANT ACTUALLY RECALL THEM SAYING;

honkie1: so... even if the blast doesnt kill us, the radiation will yea?
honkie2: (replies with a somber) ...yea... (and then smokes his cigarette)

then after this i see my mum, shes upset about the situation but composed unlike the majority of people. shes tells me she loves me and that god is with me, that life in heaven will be sweet - theres nothing to worry abt. (thanks mum =] )
shortly after i find myself comforting other people, i am composed too (i remember embracing the idea of being blown up in a few minutes and thinking - oh well) but ne way i was comforting people, praying for them and saying it'll happen so fast u wont even realise it. (pffft as if i'd know ne way)

next i remember a group of us huddling in a tight hug, we're on the ground holding each other, the tension from the suspense is nearly driving us insane, the bomb is dropped, there is a BOOMING explosion, the sound alone of the blast sends a trembling fear up everyones spine. an overwhelming white light engulfs the entire surrounding...... everything begin to fade... and in those last moments i take comfort realising that theres no pain and knowing that im going to a better place.

and yea then i wake up feeling like shit, its not even 8oclock and i have to start moving furniture coz the house is being painted and my mum is whinging like a typical annoying female and yea... thats it ahaha

and crap, its now 10 .40, i wanted to leave the house at 10. got carried away with this post.
and these grad apps are soooo draining! oh well... mo grad apps, mo job!

hmmm i'm craving cereal. and im being picky too. i want one thats sweet and bland at the same time!
i.e. i dont want cocopops, coz the sugar is already combined with the rice. its all sugar, get it?
i want something like fruity bixs (sp?) good ol bland crap with a wee bit of sugary, chewy, square, thingies....... added in. make sense? Always =]

well i'll finish off by continuing my tradition of posting a picture, even if its irrelevant. coz reading sucks ahaha im much more a visual person.

(even tho u have to read whats on the picture -.-|||)