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Saturday, September 02, 2006


here some pics from recent happenings

a ferararararararararararrrrri i saw on the way to uni. the owner was old, his women even older but the car is soo hawt

sally's MACRO shot of her lococo-nut drink @ hoa tran with MY cam phone. that right folks, my fone has a macro function... booya hahaha

my recent run to krispy kremes at 1am in the morning. man that stuff is a heart attack waiting to happen.

yes, theres a sensitive-new-age to me side u'r only beginning to see. A really nice sunset i tried to capture. didnt work that well tho

oh sally u've taught them well.. i mean corrupted them.

lft - rght: kim, hld, hen (plastered already), jane, alice, the JEK, and some random... bloody randoms.. ahaha. oh and im pretty sure its loan and lynda doing the peace signs

me, harold, dom, hen (drinking his head off.... this one. i alwasy have to look after him... U FREAKIN DRAINER HEN) ahaha but he buys me drinks in exchange.

ummmm no comment. actually no i will.. HLD UR BAAAAAD. and jane.... why u too?

and aaaaahhh yib-ba-di - yib-ba-di that's all folks